Nov 2, 2020

How to figure out whether you are introvert or extrovert

How to figure out whether you are introvert or extrovert ?


An introvert is often thought of as a quiet, reserved, thoughtful individual. They should not pursue special attention or social commitment, as these activities may leave introverts feeling tired and exhausted.
Introverts are the opposite of extroverts. The extroverts are often identified as a party life. They're looking for interaction and discussions. They are not one to miss a social event, and they excel in the frenzy of a busy world.

What Is an Introvert? 

People who are introverted tend to be inward turning, or focused more on internal thoughts, feelings and moods rather than seeking out external stimulation.

An introvert is a person with traits known as a personality type introversion, which means that they are more relaxed in their inner thoughts and ideas than what happens externally. Instead of large parties or celebrations, they enjoy spending time with one or two friends

You might think of someone who's shy or quiet and wants to be alone when you hear the word introvert. Although it might be relevant for certain introverts, there is much more to this type of personality. It just depends on how you process the world around you, whether you're an introvert or an extrovert.

Introverts are those that have naturally high levels of arousal, according to the principle of Eysenck. Because introverts appear to feel chronically high levels of arousal, they tend to search for behaviors and situations where they can avoid over stimulation. They are more alert and draw in more details from the world due to their usually elevated arousal levels. Escaping to get time alone and recharge somewhere offers them the ability to digest and focus on what they've experienced.

Common Signs 

There are certainly many socially reserved introverts who would like to stay home and read a book instead of going to a major party, but there are still many introverts who love socializing. "You might also be shocked to discover that certain people might really be very introverted who you think of as" social butterflies.

Some of the signs that you may be an introvert are below

  1. You enjoy loneliness 

  2. You have a small group of friends who are close 

  3. People often describe you as quiet and may find it hard to get to know you. 

  4. Too much stimulation leaves you feel unfocused and distracted 

  5. You are very self-conscious. 

  6. You Like to Learn by Watching 

  7. You Are Drawn to Jobs That Involve Independence




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